Top 5 Business Texting Trends in 2021

Sonar has been collaborating with companies since 2014 to implement intuitive, engaging, and easy communication strategies. 2020 brought a myriad of changes, including the ways customers want and expect to connect with businesses. Our partners adapted during a time of immense uncertainty and, ultimately, grew closer with their customers and communities. Based on our observations, we’ve developed some predictions and recommendations for digital communication in 2021.
#1: Personalization is Key
Our most successful partners thoughtfully crafted messages for each segment of their customer base. This kind of personalization results in greater loyalty and long-term satisfaction. According to Forrester’s 2021 B2C Marketing Predictions, optimized and automated campaigns enable “B2C marketers [to] get better campaign performance even while operating with reduced staff.” When brands communicate with empathy and personalization, customers are much more likely to want to stay in touch and form a relationship.
#2: Messaging with a Purpose
As people grow accustomed to directly messaging brands, marketers and salespeople have more opportunities to engage throughout the customer journey. According to Juniper Research, global business text messaging increased by 10% from 2019. Rather than simply texting promotions or account related notifications, companies can and should send messages with varied purposes, including reminders, payment assistance, educational content, technical support, and more. Texting isn’t just one-way; rather, it’s an opportunity for nuanced, two-way conversations.
#3: Increased Value on Privacy
Despite a collective increased comfort with text messaging, customers are increasingly protective of their online privacy. Early in 2020, Google announced its plans to end support for third-party cookies by 2022. While customers appreciate the convenience of business text messaging, they also expect transparency and the ability to opt out. Companies must always ask for permission to communicate and provide clear instructions for signing up and unsubscribing. Additionally, rules and regulations around texting vary greatly in each country. When in doubt, get in touch with Sonar for more information.
#4: Communicate on the Local Level
One of the biggest trends of 2020 was an increased demand for housing in the suburbs and rural areas. As people adjusted to working remotely, they sought more space and lower prices. As a result, tailored messaging based on a specific location became even more important. It goes a long way for brands to reference specific local events, trends, and even regional jokes. Personalized messages are a great way to build relationships as people adjust to different living environments. Rather than simply sending information on an upcoming discount, companies can build trust by sharing relevant and meaningful messages.
#5: Creativity Goes A Long Way
Lastly, we’ve seen firsthand how creative communication yields the most responses from customers. Automating and segmenting messages is just one piece of the puzzle; it’s critical to also create compelling content that provides value. In April 2020, The Wall Street Journal highlighted a company that delivered uplifting audio and video messages via text. This kind of individualized and creative content will only strengthen customer relationships and brand identity. Interested in learning more about advancing your 2021 communication strategy? Feel free to get in touch with our team.
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