Thanks to the resounding popularity of smartphones and other mobile devices such as tablets, marketers have found ways to integrate SMS marketing and mobile marketing into the fold of digital marketing campaign strategies.
Although both SMS and mobile marketing can be viable tools for your business, it’s important to know what distinguishes one engagement tactic from the other to help you optimize your campaigns.
What is SMS Marketing?
SMS marketing is the use of a mobile phone to send an SMS or text message that contains promotional content, such as special deals, product updates, customer loyalty perks, order updates, or any other marketing information directly to customers. This also includes the sending of follow-ups, which can be handled automatically by AI.
An SMS campaign operates on a permission-based model, meaning customers opt-in to receive SMS messages. By texting back a designated keyword, customers give your company permission to add them to your SMS campaign and database. You could also get consumer approval to collect their number when you’re on the phone with them, through a sign-up form on your website, or at your physical store locations.
What is Mobile Marketing?
Mobile marketing is onmi-channel marketing strategy which promotes products or services through mobile devices. With this strategy, target consumers access location and time-sensitive customized content that promotes certain products, services, or ideas. The key with mobile marketing is to use smartphones and other handheld devices to provide potential or existing customers personalized time- and location-based information about your business.
What is SMS Marketing Used For?
SMS and text marketing are generally used to issue reminders, delivery notices, limited-time or exclusive offers, and redeemable coupons to your consumer base. SMS marketing is also an effective method for driving customer engagement through polls or survey-type messages.
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